When you become an MRC volunteer, you can expect to receive training in emergency preparedness and to be called upon to respond to public health emergencies.

You can also expect to reap the benefits of the experience of helping your community—whether it’s the pride of putting your experience on your resume, the satisfaction of putting your skills to use to benefit others, or the connection that comes from the common bond shared among volunteers. The MRC offers flexible time commitments and your membership can range from monthly participation to only during disaster response.



As a volunteer, you will be required to undergo training in:

  • Personal/family preparedness
  • Incident Command System (ICS)
  • National Incident Management System (NIMS)
  • Psychological first aid/Disaster mental health
  • Points of Distribution (POD)

Training does not need to be completed immediately, but some events may require specific training before participation. Your unit may also offer training in additional topics.

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Volunteer opportunities will depend on your MRC unit. The members of each unit work together to tailor activities to their own interests and the needs of their community.

During a disaster or major health event, you may be called upon to support public health structures that have become overwhelmed. Specific activities will depend upon the event and current needs, but may include anything from providing mass prophylaxis or vaccination to supporting vulnerable citizens to operating a portable hospital.

Throughout the year, you may have opportunities to volunteer in the community by providing medical support for local events or sporting activities, hosting CPR training sessions, or supporting public health efforts.

Remember, you are never required to respond. We understand our volunteers are busy with many aspects of their lives and know that you will not always be available during an incident. That is okay! Signing up with the MRC does not commit you to respond, but offers you an avenue to support your neighbors in need when you can.